i have this file. it's called 'other manip' but really what's in it is some very cool photographs i consider using for manip bases. And some images from foto_decadent that i couldn't resist grabbing. the problem with lovely photos from avant-garde fashion photography? it's incredibly hard to find face to match. often when i use these in manips i feel bad
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For the holidays I put together some graphics for some truly wonderful people. Many of these are actually fic graphics, and so I don't feel too guilty reposting them here - especially if you all haven't taken a look at the fic they were created for! So this is, in a way, a recs post with some sparklies attached. And my way of saying thank you to
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so, turns out I have about two weeks left of class. I'm shaking in my boots! I did NOT realize how fast the end of the semester was rushing at me until today, when I sat down with my professor and we sketched out a general idea of what we'd be doing for each of the remaining classes we have to teach. Oh dear gods
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A little while ago I posted the "tell me what to create" meme. The first request? More Girl!Kissing icons! So here you have it, from the late night Kate...
Kissing. Nudity. Some lovely embracing. This is an adults only post.
Anyone been wondering why I haven't forced another umpteen million icons on you? It's because I've been off making custom banners for people... this post is mostly for my own amusement, so don't feel bad scrolling right past...
Here are the rest of the banners I've worked on in the last couple of weeks. I will be back to crazy icon posts soon!! Oh, and homework, and house hunting, and maybe even possibly fic writing. Maybe.